Many drivers choose cars with leather seats because of their luxurious look and feel. But no matter how careful you are and take good care of your car, at one point you will need some sort of car interior repair. The materials can wear and tear, someone can drop a cigarette and cause a burn, scratches or holes can be created when carrying a heavy object and the list goes on.
Vinyl, leather and cloth materials can all get torn or punctured. And even if you somehow manage to avoid this for many years in a row, even under normal circumstances, these materials still become stained and discolored and show signs of wear. From that point they can easily get scratched, then develop cracks and then get completely destroyed.
Here are some of the most common reasons why people choose the repair or replace the upholstery of their beloved car:
The material is fading
It is broken
The seats are not comfortable anymore
The foam is no longer firm
They want to sell their car and get the most of it
They need to return a leased vehicle and make sure that the interior is impeccable
They want their car to look like it’s brand new again
There are plenty of cleaning and treatment products out there that can prolong the life of vinyl or leather, but when the material gets broken it’s better to seek the professional help of a specialist.
Whether you want to sell your car or simply to maintain it as well as possible and have it look like it’s brand new, you will need auto upholstery repair or replacement, and that’s where Orange County’s best Recon Pros Auto Upholstery and Reconditioning comes in very handy.
We offer a multitude of services, and they include:
Headliners – sagging or tearing headliners can be a problem and a safety hazard, so they need to be fixed as soon as possible
Convertible tops – what’s the point of having a convertible car if the top is not working properly? Our team of experts can repair or replace your convertible top (usually in the same day)
Leather seat repair or replacement – having a clean and shiny car on the exterior is nice, but
the interior should be just as good looking. After all, it’s the interior that you get to see every single time you drive. Our specialists can repair or replace used, worn out, or broken leather seats, or help you choose a new seat cover if needed
Odor elimination – odors can build up over time, making the driving experience less enjoyable. But don’t worry because we can completely remove unpleasant odors
Auto reconditioning - we provide all sorts of services, including wheels, bumpers, paint touchup, detailing and ceramic coatings.
We have more than 25 years of experience and our qualified technicians can solve your problems. Contact us today and let’s make your car look as new again!

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